Das englischsprachige Rezensionsorgan «Reference Reviews Europe Annual» hat in seiner jüngsten Ausgabe eine Empfehlung für den von Cornelius Mayer herausgegebenen «Augustinus-Zitatenschatz» ausgesprochen. «This publication serves as a good introduction to Augustine's thought» - so das Fazit des Verfassers Privatdozent Dr. Till Kinzel.
Augustinus-Zitatenschatz [Treasury of Augustinian Quotations]. Ed. Cornelius Mayer. 5th, extensively expanded and annotated ed. Würzburg: Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung, 2009. 210 p. ill. 30 cm. EUR 30.00 + postage for deluxe ed. with colored ill.; EUR 20.00 + postage for standard ed. (Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!)
This very useful and attractive compendium of quotations from Saint Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, was compiled by Cornelius Mayer, director of the Zentrum für Augustinus-Forschung [Center for Augustinian Studies]. Mayer has published extensively on Augustine, for example, the Augustinus-Lexikon (see RREA 2:85) and the Augustine text database Corpus Augustinianum Gissense: CAG (see RREA 2:89 and RREA 13:70).
This 5th edition of the Augustinus-Zitatenschatz is substantially expanded, with longer quotations and references to recent publications. The quotations appear in the original Latin as well as German translation, giving insight into Augustine’s language as well as his thoughts. Selections highlight the Church Father’s Christian spirituality. The quotations are followed by a citation to the exact source and a brief understandable but not superficial commentary on the major theological and philosophical concepts discussed in the passage, along with cross-references. The quotations are arranged in alphabetical order by keyword which allows for quick identification of relevant texts. The preliminaries include a list of the keywords and a bibliography of source publications. This publication serves as a good introduction to Augustine’s thought. [tk/rg]
© ‹Reference Reviews Europe Annual› 15/16, 2009/10, Fiesole (Florenz): Casalini, 2012
Wir danken Verfasser Dr. Till Kinzel für die freundliche Genehmigung zur Veröffentlichung in unserem Webportal.