The 3rd version of the Corpus Augustinianum Gissense a Cornelio Mayer editum (CAG 3 = CAG-online) is including the electronic corpus with any writings, sermons and letters of the philosopher and theologian Augustine of Hippo (354-430), delivered to posterity. Editor of the CAG-online is the famous Augustinian researcher and founder of the Augustinus-Lexikon, Cornelius Petrus Mayer.
As a web-based ressource, CAG-online does not require any local installation procedure. It is available via internet browser and does only depend on a computer with internet connection. CAG-online is also availabe on mobile devices (tablet and smartphone). Furthermore, see the tabs «Features», «Lemmatisation», «Licences», «Demo», «Links & download».
► CAG-online access (registered users)
► CAG-online demo version
► Licence portal CAG-online (possibility to subscribe)